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Bike Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles
14Nov 2019

Hire a Reliable Bike Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Hire a Reliable Bike Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Bicycle accidents happen almost every day and many lonely road travelers are often the victims of reckless drivers, not just in the cities but in small towns as well. An accident can have you facing pain, surgeries, time off work, income loss, and worse, permanent disability. No one wants to lose a life in such circumstances. The best thing to do is to seek the services of a reliable bike accident lawyer in Los Angeles

Determining liability

 When it happens to you, your friend or a member of a family, you must make claims on damages. But the exact worth of the claim largely depends on having to prove liability. Anybody who has been in a serious bike accident knows how life can change dramatically, if not quickly.  

The first thing you must do when you get involved in a bicycle accident and you plan to seek damages is to prove the other party’s negligence. This is paramount in winning your case and you can prove this through statements by witnesses, physical evidence or police reports from the accident.

This makes it more important to have a dependable bike accident lawyer in Los Angeles who has experience with similar cases before. After reviewing and examining the facts, the lawyer helps you determine all the available legal options to prove the negligence of the other party.


Bike Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles

Determining damages

If the accident happened because of the other party’s negligence, your reliable bike accident lawyer will next determine the damages you can claim. The classifications of damages are:

  • Special Damages

Your attorney can calculate this exactly. These include your incurred medical bills of the accident, any treatments that you need to undergo, and other future bills for medical treatment.

  • General Damages

These are much harder to calculate as they include damages that have no exact amount. The most common of these are emotional suffering and pain. These depend on the expertise of your attorney who knows acceptable ways to prove these kinds of damages and the best way to present such should your case go to trial.

Bike accident lawyers are experts

They have the most tremendous experience of standing up against insurance companies and know how to fight vigorously for their client’s deserved settlements. If needed, these lawyers will go to the court to defend their clients. They will provide them with legal representation and advice to help their clients get a judgment to pay for their medical expenses, lost wages, vehicle repairs, plus the cost of their suffering and pain.

Don’t risk it!

You’ll never know when you need a lawyer until the medical bills start piling up. Never deal with your injuries on your own. You will regret it, financially foremost. Get a reliable bike accident lawyer in Los Angeles to help you out. 

 You wouldn’t know how to legally deal with the party at fault or even the insurance company. You may even accept their first settlement offer and later would find out it is far less than what you deserve!

Contact Us

Contact a qualified Los Angeles injury attorneys today to make sure that your rights are protected. Jance Weberman Law Office has bike accident lawyers in Los Angeles. He has many years of experience recovering claims for those injured in bike accidents.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us right away via 213-386-9100 to discuss the details of your claim.