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Experienced Sexual Harassment
31Jan 2020

Experienced Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Los Angeles

Sexual harassment is a very common issue and when you face it, you might not know what to do next. There is no excuse for this act, and it is essential to stand up for yourself when someone sexually harasses you. Confront the person, so they know that what they have done isn’t right.However, there are cases where confrontation isn’t enough. If the harassment continues, you must seek advice from an experienced sexual harassment lawyer in Los Angeles. Such a lawyer can help you protect your rights and find justice.
Sexual Harassment Lawyer

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment isn’t a small issue – it’s a form of sexual abuse. This refers to any unwanted sexual implications, advances, or touches in any way. Here are some of the most common examples of sexual harassment where you should hire a sexual harassment lawyer from LA:

  • Sexual advances 

This can be as simple as a request for a sexual favor to a request for sex. As long as the advances are out-of-line and unwanted, they are a form of sexual harassment.

  • Rape

Men and women can be a victim of rape; however, many choose to remain silent. If you have been victim of rape once or more, you must seek justice for this horrendous crime.

  • Inappropriate touching

It refers to any inappropriate touches done intentionally, be it grinds, taps, thrusts, brushes, and so on. As with all other forms of sexual harassment, both men and women can fall victim to this.

  • Inappropriate sexual threats and remarks

Some people brush off sexual comments, this is also a form of sexual harassment, especially when they’re inappropriate, unwarranted, and they make you feel uncomfortable or threatened. From lewd comments to more dangerous threats, it’s essential to report these immediately.

Filing your sexual harassment claim

Before filing your claim with your Los Angeles, sexual harassment lawyer, you must speak with your employer first. This is because some companies have their sexual harassment policies that you must follow first. By doing this, you can also learn how your company processes sexual harassment claims.

Often, your employer might have a meeting where you negotiate your terms with someone from the HR department or even with the offender. But if the offender continues with the harassment and your pleas fall on deaf ears, then it’s time to bring in an experienced lawyer.

Finding the best lawyer

A sexual harassment lawyer from LA can help you identify all of the relevant instances so that you can go back to work comfortably. You should feel safe at the workplace, and the best way is by getting rid of the threat.

Experiencing sexual harassment is never a good thing, whether it happens at work or in any other place. Some even end up getting traumatized because of it. Once you fall victim to this kind of experience, don’t hesitate to take legal action. Your safety must be your priority, and finding the right lawyer ensures this.