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4Mar 2020

Do You Need a Legal Malpractice Attorney in Los Angeles?

When you hire a lawyer to represent you in your case, you expect that attorney to put his or her best foot forward and do what is necessary to get the best possible outcome for you in your case. Unfortunately, there are times where a lawyer fails to live up to their responsibilities and duties and leaves you damaged because of the failures on their part. You may feel like you have little or no recourse when something likes occurs. However, the truth is there are options you can choose that can help you attempt to recover from this misstep. You do have legal avenues available to you and turning to a legal malpractice attorney in Los Angeles at this time can be the best thing you can do.

Proving an Attorney Breached Duty

Establishing a case of this nature is not always easy to do, and it takes having a skilled and experienced lawyer on your side for you to have a fighting chance with your case. Your lawyer must show, through evidence, that your previous attorney failed to live up to their duties and provide you with the best, most competent representation possible. Your lawyer also must show that this failure damaged you in some way for the verdict to be given in your favor. The research that goes into a case like this can be extensive, and you need a good lawyer and team behind you that can get the leg work done so that you have a strong enough case to proceed.

legal malpractice attorney in Los Angeles

An Attorney That Knows the Laws

A quality legal malpractice attorney in Los Angeles is one that is highly familiar with the California laws as they pertain to legal malpractice. You want a lawyer that not only has experience with cases like yours but can display success in representing clients so that you stand a better chance at winning your case. Your lawyer should be someone that is an attentive listener so that they learn the ins and outs of your situation and can develop the best strategies for moving forward for you.

See an Attorney Right Away

If you believe you have been wronged by a previous attorney and not represented competently, you only have a certain amount of time to file legal action so you can sue for malpractice. You will want to contact a legal malpractice attorney in Los Angeles as soon as you can and calling us at the law office of Jance M. Weberman can be the best choice you can make. Mr. Weberman has a background in malpractice litigation and can help you work towards recovering damages in your case. You can find out more information about cases like yours and how we can go about assisting you by coming to our website. If you would like to schedule a consultation with us, please call our office at (213) 386-9100. A member of our office staff will be happy to assist you, so you get the opportunity to talk about your situation with the right lawyer for the job.