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23Jun 2021
Jun 23, 2021

Best LA Lawyer on Steps to Take if Your Neighbor Consistently Troubles and Threatens You

Naturally, neighbors are supposed to live in harmony and support each other in times of joy and trouble. The situation is different for some neighbors because you can have a next-door neighbor who becomes a foe to you and harasses you all the time. The situation may get out of control after your neighbor knocks at your door and points a gun on your head. A threat by gun can be the worst nightmare you’d ever expect from a neighbor but there are steps to take. 

Record a statement with the police 

It’s crucial to call the police if you’ve been subjected to an actual assault, a threat of death, or another type of threat. After you give a statement, police investigators will likely visit your home and your neighbors to get more information about the situation and, if necessary, take photos. If the circumstances are dangerous, the police may even be ready to protect you right away.

Alert the landlord if you are a tenant

Report the matter to your landlord if you are a tenant and let them know that your neighbor threatened you with a gun. If you are a homeowner, let your peaceful neighbors know about the incident before things become uncontrollable. The landlord or neighbors can join together and seek an audience with your neighbor and warn him or take another action. Your neighbors and landlord can be witnesses after you hire a Los Angeles personal injury attorney to help you prepare a strong case in court.

Request for a restraining order

It is not hard to file for a restraining order but your personal injury attorney Los Angeles can help if you are not sure how to do it. Your neighbor will be ordered not to contact you or your family whatsoever, not to be near you or your family, your workplace, or your children’s school. They will be forbidden to own a gun and return the one they own.

File a harassment case

Visit your personal injury claims lawyer and file a harassment case against your neighbor. If your neighbor injured you, your lawyer can prepare a criminal case against him but if he didn’t injure you, the lawyer can prepare a civil lawsuit. Your neighbor can also be sued for a violation if they disregarded the restraining order and continue with their harassment against you. Before the case proceeds to court, get ready with your witnesses, the information you recorded with the police, and the discussions with your landlord or neighbors. Your neighbor can be jailed or fined a huge penalty.

Talk to a defense lawyer if your neighbor harassed you with a gun

All neighbors are obligated by law to live in harmony with each other but if one neighbor becomes aggressive and threatens you, the law is there to protect you and your family. Instead of living in fear, come to us and let us discuss with you every option you should take to stop the harassment. Do not delay but call us today and book an appointment at the telephone number (213) 386-9100.