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Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles
28Jun 2019

Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles Advises on Social Media and Your Claim

Social media has become an integral part of many of our lives. Someone has given advice to most of us about taking care of what we post on social media. We tend to be aware of the possible consequences when it comes to a job search or family matters. It’s understandable that you may turn to social media at a time when you’ve experienced an accident or injury. Still, you have to be aware that anything you post on social media can be used against you. A personal accident lawyer in Los Angeles will tell you that status updates, photos and even messages to friends can become evidence for insurance companies. Or defense attorneys, to undermine your personal claim.

That is what we not realize. What we post on social media can affect a personal injury claim. When you file a personal injury lawsuit, you want compensation for the medical expenses. And even pain, and suffering caused by injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury or damage to your back.

For instance, perhaps you file a claim because of a back injury caused when you were rear-ended by another car while driving. If your social media posts show you running a marathon shortly after filing a claim, you are likely to be left without any kind of compensation. The truth is that the defense will use whatever they can find against you.

What you can do to protect yourself

Be careful about what you choose to share. Your post may seem harmless to you but it could be detrimental to your case. If you convert all your social media accounts to private it will limit, who sees what you share. Ask your family and friends to avoid posting about you for the time being.
Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles
Sometimes you may post something unwittingly without realizing the implication it may have on your claim. It may not be easy to distance yourself from social media but it is temporary and you don’t want to run the risk of jeopardizing your personal injury claim.

At Weberman Law Office our experienced accident attorneys understand how difficult it can be when you’ve suffered an accident or an injury and need to file a personal injury lawsuit. Our empathetic, accomplished lawyers will carefully guide you through the process. Visit us to find out more about accident lawyer in Los Angeles or more services or call us at (310) 396-0731.