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legal malpractice lawyer in Los Angeles
20Sep 2020

Los Angeles Legal Malpractice Lawyer on The Standard for Legal Malpractice?

Lawyers have a difficult job handling different cases and sometimes they abuse their power. Legal malpractice occurs when these attorneys breach the standards required within the practice of law. The plaintiff will have to prove that the attorney deviated from the regular and applicable standard of care required. 

legal malpractice lawyer in Los Angeles

Code of ethics for lawyers

Ethics are principles, and in the legal world, there are laws that regulate the profession. As a legal malpractice lawyer in Los Angeles, we know that these guidelines are for the benefit of lawyers and the public. The guidelines enlighten the lawyer on the proper conduct while practicing law. Integrity is one, lawyer and client relationships another, duties to the court another and so on. If a lawyer doesn’t adhere to these principles, the law is brought into disrepute. Public confidence is undermined. The legal profession has a responsibility to be upholders of the law. 



If these ethical standards that clearly define the duties of lawyers are not adhered to, society starts to crumble. In the legal profession, individuals have to be licensed, and yet there are those practicing law who are not. As a Los Angeles legal malpractice attorney, we’ve dealt with cases where these so-called lawyers have been brought to account because of falling short of these legal standards. In order to achieve accountability, it is important to abide by the rule of ethics. Professional ethics are key to ensuring a competent, accountable legal profession where lawyers act in the best interests of the client.

Straying from the standards of the profession

Legal malpractice encompasses a number of civil liability claims brought against lawyers who have strayed from the standards of the profession. Their conduct could even result in loss of license. For instance, there could be a Breach of Fiduciary Duty. As fiduciaries, lawyers owe clients the duty of loyalty and are obligated to provide full disclosure of all facts to do with the clients’ representation. Failure in the duty of full disclosure is looked upon as concealment. Clients rely on the integrity of lawyers. The fiduciary duties of lawyers include safeguarding client confidences and not engaging in activities adverse to the clients. 


Understand the standard of care

Before you accuse an attorney of legal malpractice, it is a good idea to have an understanding of what the standard of care means. When a jury has to determine whether a lawyer has engaged in malpractice, they start by determining whether the lawyer used the correct standard of care. If attorneys act in their own best interests, they will have committed malpractice by breach of fiduciary duty. Legal malpractice can mean the misuse of funds, the failure to file documents in a timely manner or something else. As a profession, lawyers have a special responsibility to adhere to standards of the profession. If you have an attorney who has done something wrong, you may want to consider suing. As the best legal malpractice attorney LA, we’re available at (213) 386-9100. Why not hire us? As a reputable legal malpractice attorney LA, we will negotiate on your behalf and get a settlement for the mistakes made in your case.